Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems
2022, Feb 20 -- Mar 05
F. Mila (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
R. Or�s (DIPC)
D. Poilblanc (CNRS / U. Toulouse)
N. Schuch (University of Vienna)
Download pdf version of the program here.
Registration & welcome | |
Overview of the possibilities of high temperature series expansions | |
Laura Messio | |
Lunch break and free discussions | |
On the possibility to detect the bound state of the Heisenberg ferromagnetic chain at intermediate temperature | |
Mithilesh Nayak | |
Entanglement transitions in monitored spin chains | |
Xhek Turkeshi | |
Solving Quantum Impurity Problems with MPS in Temporal Domain | |
Julian Thoenniss |
Reduced density matrix construction in interacting quantum field theory | |
Ivan Kukuljan | |
From quantum groups to fusion categories via tensor networks (I) | |
Frank Verstraete | |
Lunch break and free discussions | |
Thermal Ising transition in the spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg model | |
Olivier Gauthé | |
Matrix product operator intertwiners as dualities in quantum chains | |
Laurens Lootens | |
Many-body quantum dynamics and temporal entanglement | |
Giacomo Giudice |
The Chiral Gross-Neveu model on the lattice via a Landau-forbidden phase transition | |
Gertian Roose | |
Introduction to SU(N) physics | |
Karlo Penc | |
Lunch break and free discussions | |
Orbital embedding and topology of one-dimensional insulators | |
Jean-Noel Fuchs | |
Realizing Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks on a Superconducting Quantum Processor to Recognize Quantum Phases | |
Sergi Masot-LLima | |
Moiré Superlattices at Fractional Band Fillings: Emergent Fermi Liquids, Charge Density Waves and Fractional Chern Insulators | |
Ahmed Abouelkomsan |
Weakly first-order quantum phase transition between Spin Nematic and Valence Bond Crystal Order in a square lattice SU(4) fermionic model | |
Pranay Patil | |
From quantum groups to fusion categories via tensor networks (II) | |
Frank Verstraete | |
Lunch break and free discussions | |
Momentum-resolved time evolution with matrix product states | |
Laurens Vanderstraeten | |
Incomplete lifting of degeneracy in the J1-J2-J3 Ising antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice | |
Jeanne Colbois | |
Entanglement- and Operator Spreading in a Thermalizing Spin Chain with Long-Range Interactions | |
Darvin Wanisch |
Lower bounding ground state energies of local Hamiltonians: tractable relaxations of the quantum marginal problem | |
Ilya Kull | |
When entanglement entropy tends (not) to diverge | |
Andrej Gendiar | |
Lunch break and free discussions | |
Introduction to CTMRG | |
Andrej Gendiar | |
Ground state manifold in the SU(3) symmetric Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice | |
Karlo Penc | |
Lunch break and free discussions | |
Simulating chiral spin liquids with projected entangled-pair states | |
Juraj Hasik | |
Entanglement scaling in tensor networks | |
Bram Vanhecke | |
Resonating valence bond states in Rydberg atom arrays | |
Giuliano Giudici |
Application of Matrix Product States : an introduction | |
Salvatore Manmana | |
Some new ideas on tensor networks to capture entanglement in quantum many-body systems | |
Jens Eisert | |
Lunch break and free discussions | |
Symmetry Protected Topological Order in Open Quantum Systems | |
Alex Turzillo | |
Classifying non-onsite symmetries with tensor networks | |
Jose Garre Rubio | |
Simulation of two-dimensional layered quantum systems with iPEPS | |
Patrick Vlaar |
Improved method of computing ground states with DMRG and time evolution with TDVP | |
Jan Von Delft | |
Emergent behavior from studying time-dependent spectral functions with MPS | |
Salvatore Manmana | |
Lunch break and free discussions | |
Hilbert Space Fragmentation and Commutant Algebras | |
Sanjay Moudgalya | |
Partition function of the Levin-Wen model | |
Julien Vidal | |
Spin-orbital liquids: Anyons, flux crystals and emergent fractionalized fermionic excitation | |
Sreejith Chulliparambil |
Short review on Rydberg-atom quantum simulators | |
Maksym Serbyn | |
fPEPS for the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model | |
Reinhard Noack | |
Lunch break and free discussions | |
Quantum algorithm for artifical graphene | |
Axel Pérez-Obiol | |
A classification of phases for 1D mixed states | |
Andras Molnar | |
Identification of a non-conformal chiral transition in various 2D classical models with CTMRG | |
Samuel Nyckees |
Interplay between quantum scars and quantum many-body control problems | |
Maksym Serbyn | |
Lunch break and free discussions | |