Previous Sessions
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Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems
2019, February 24 - March 9
R. Orús (DIPC), D. Poilblanc (CNRS / U. Toulouse), N. Regnault (ENS Paris), N. Schuch (Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics)
Attosecond and Ultrafast Physics VII
2019, March 11 - March 13
J. Biegert (ICFO), U. Elu (ICFO)
Quantum Nanophotonics
2019, March 17 - March 23
S. Bozhevolnyi (U. of Southern Denmark), F.J. Garcia-Vidal (U. Autonoma de Madrid), L. Martín Moreno (ICMA, CSIC - U. Zaragoza)
Light scalars: origin, cosmology, astrophysics and experimental probes
2019, April 7 - April 13
J. Jaeckel (Universität Heidelberg, Germany), A. Juste (ICREA and IFAE, Spain), M. Pospelov (University of Victoria and Perimeter Institute, Canada), G. Servant (University of Hamburg and DESY, Germany), M. Spannowsky (University of Durham - IPPP, United Kingdom)
Hands on Particle Physics Masterclasses
2019, April 11 - April 12
M. Asorey (U. Zaragoza), F. Falceto (U. Zaragoza)
2019, May 5 - May 18
L. Amico (U. Catania-CNR & CQT-NUS), G. Birkl (TU Darmstadt), M. Boshier (Los Alamos), L.-C. Kwek (CQT-NUS), C. Miniatura (CNRS-MajuLab & Centre for quantum technologies), A. Minguzzi (U. Grenoble-Alpes & CNRS Grenoble)
2019 AAN Symposium
2019, May 22 - May 26
B. Barucchieri (University of Bordeaux), D. Casazza (ICMAT-CSIC), R. Gualdi (University of Bordeaux), M. Serra (University of Konstanz)
Micro and Nanofluidics: from Technology to Science
2019, May 29 - June 1
L. Basabe-Desmonts (Universidad del Pais Vasco), M. Doblaré (U. Zaragoza), J. M. Gordillo Arias de Saavedra (U. Sevilla), I. Gonzalez Loscertales (Universidad de Malaga), A. Hernandez-Machado (Universitat de Barcelona), F. Higuera Antón (UP Madrid), C. Martínez Bazán (U. Jaén), V. Javier Rodriguez-Rodriguez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), A. Sevilla Santiago (U CIII Madrid)
Nanotecnología y Alimentación (Food) E-9
2019, June 3 - June 7
Red Nacional de Nanotecnología Alimentaria
Gauge theories, supergravity and superstrings
2019, June 9 - June 21
J. Russo (ICREA, U. Barcelona), P. West (King's Coll. London)
Quantum Information
2019, June 23 - July 13
I. Cirac (MPI, Garching), A. Ekert (U. Oxford/NUS Singapore)
Gravity - New perspectives from strings and higher dimensions
2019, July 14 - July 26
R. Emparan (ICREA - U. Barcelona), V. Hubeny (QMAP - UC Davis), M. Rangamani (QMAP - UC Davis)
Alto Teatro (Festival de teatro de Benasque)
2019, July 18 - July 21
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, M. T. Soto-Sanfiel (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Understanding cosmological observations
2019, July 28 - August 9
D. Blas (KCL), C. Byrnes (Sussex U.), M. Crocce (ICE), R. Flauger (UCSD), A. Lewis (Sussex U.), S. Nadathur (Portsmouth U.), H. Peiris (UCL/Stockholm)
VIII Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics
2019, August 18 - August 30
G. Buttazzo (U. Pisa), O. Glass (U. Paris-Dauphine), G.Leugering (U. Erlangen-Nürnberg), E. Zuazua (DeustoTech - UAM - LJLL Paris)
2nd International Conference on Symmetry
2019, September 1 - September 7
S. D. Odintsov (Journal Symmetry and ICREA), M. Asorey (U. Zaragoza), E. Elizalde (ICE/CSIC, Barcelona)
7th International Workshop on New Challenges in Quantum Mechanics: Integrability and Supersymmetry
2019, September 1 - September 7
F. Correa (U. Austral de Chile), Y. Ispolatov (U. Santiago de Chile), V. Jakubský (Nuclear Physics Institute CAS)
, L.M. Nieto (U. Valladolid), M. Valenzuela (U. San Sebastián)
TAE 2019 - COST International Training School on High Energy Physics
2019, September 8 - September 21
M. Asorey (U. Zaragoza), G. Barenboim (IFIC, CSIC/U. Valencia), J. M. Carmona (U. Zaragoza), N. Rius (IFIC, CSIC//U. Valencia), S. Peñaranda (U. Zaragoza)
Advances and applications in carbon related nanomaterials: From pure to doped structures including heteroatom layers
2019, December 9 - December 13
R. Arenal (LMA - INA, chairman), C. P. Ewels (Nantes U.), D. Golberg (Queensland University of Technology), V. Meunier (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), A. Rubio (U. País Vasco - Fritz Haber Institut - Max Plank Gesellschaft)