Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

Make a proposal

Make a proposal

Scientific organizers proposing the organization of a session should:

  • Select carefully the topic of the session on scientific grounds.
  • Coordinate dates to avoid overlapping with relevant schools and workshops (Les Houches, Aspen, relevant annual meetings, ...).
  • Contact and secure participation of key researchers in the field.
  • Apply for grants (ESF, EU, NATO, university grants,...) in order to co-fund the session. Depending on availability of these extra funds, an allowance for every participant can be offered.

  • The CCBPP offers the following help to scientific organizers:

    • Facilities

      • Desk space and ubiquous blackboards.
      • A computer room with 4 linux PCs, 3 Windows PC and 3 Macs and two heavy dutty printers.
      • Wireless connection
      • Auditorium for 150 people that can be divided in three independent seminar rooms.
      • Secretariat: Fax, telephone, Xerox, scan.

    • Administration

      • Web page support including automatic registration (which is required for all participants).
      • Web handling of hotel and apartment reservations.
      • Local support: system manager, secretariat.
    A one-page proposal should then be sent to [email protected]

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  • Sponsors

      • Ministerio de ciencia, innovación y universidades
      • Gobierno de Aragon
      • logo CSIC
      • DPH
      • Ayuntamiento de Benasque
      • Universidad de Zaragoza
    • Location

      • CCBPP Location

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