Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems
2019, Feb 24 -- Mar 09
R. Orús (DIPC)
D. Poilblanc (CNRS / U. Toulouse)
N. Regnault (ENS Paris)
N. Schuch (Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics)
Download pdf version of the program here.
Bus ride from Barcelona airport and university | |
Registration | |
Topolectrical circuits | |
Ronny Thomale | |
Designing quantum spin-orbital-coupled materials: a source for exotic excitations | |
Roser Valenti | |
Chromium breathing pyrochlores: an exhibition of a variety of pyrochlore Hamiltonians | |
P. Ghosh | |
First-principles diagrammatic methods | |
A. Pulkin | |
Fractionalized and Correlated matter / Democracy | |
Inti Sodemann Villadiego |
Bulk-edge correspondance of topological insulators - Dirac fermions beyond chiral states | |
Mark Goerbig | |
Topological phases in the context of non-Hermitian physics | |
Flore Kunst | |
Majorana dimers and the holographic pentagon code | |
A. Jahn | |
Entanglement structure of a quantum simulator: the two-component Bose-Hubbard model | |
I. Morera | |
Edge state dynamics of a bosonic fractional Chern insulator | |
Adolfo Grushin |
Tensor Network Approaches to Many-Body Localization | |
Thorsten Wahl | |
Rényi entropies and topological invariants from correlations of randomized measurements | |
A. Elben | |
Time Evolution of an Infinite Projected Entangled Pair State: an Efficient Algorithm | |
P. Czarnik | |
Probing Local and Extended Correlations in a Unitary Fermi gas | |
Tarik Yefsah |
Topolectrical circuits | |
Ronny Thomale | |
Anyons in cold-atoms: realization in synthetic ladders and detection with local measurements | |
Leonardo Mazza | |
The Creutz-Hubbard ladder: exploring topological phases and high-energy physics with cold atoms | |
Matteo Rizzi | |
Multifractal Scalings across the Many-Body Localization Transition | |
Nicolas Laflorencie |
Bulk-edge correspondance of topological insulators - Dirac fermions beyond chiral states | |
Mark Goerbig | |
Full update optimization in symmetry-broken and symmetry-preserving phases | |
J. Hasik | |
Symmetry fractionalization detection without dimensional compactification using PEPS | |
J. Garre Rubio |
Lecture 1 | |
Fakher Assaad | |
Localization with random time-periodic quantum circuits | |
C.Sünderhauf | |
SU(N) lattice models | |
Frédéric Mila | |
Feynman path integrals over tensor networks | |
A. Hallam | |
Study of topological phase transitions by using tensor network states with virtual symmetries | |
M. Iqbal |
Lecture 1 | |
Masaki Oshikawa | |
Quantum correlations close to quantum critical points | |
I. Frérot | |
Quantum criticality on a chiral ladder: an SU(2) iDMRG study | |
P. Schmoll | |
Lecture 1 | |
Sid Parameswaran | |
Quantum Spin Liquids | |
Anna Sanpera |
Lecture 2 | |
Sid Parameswaran | |
Fermion quantum Monte Carlo | |
Fakher Assaad | |
Anyons in lattice fractional quantum Hall models | |
Anne Nielsen |
SU(N) lattice models | |
Frédéric Mila | |
Simulating excitation spectra with projected entangled-pair states | |
Vanderstraeten | |
Lecture 2 | |
Masaki Oshikawa | |
TBA | |
Felix Von Oppen |
Exotic criticality in comb tensor networks | |
N. Chepiga | |
SU(4) topological RVB spin liquid on the square lattice | |
O. Gauthé | |
On multipartite entanglement and multipartite correlations | |
S. Szalay | |
Disorder effects on SPT edge mode locality | |
N. Tarantino |
Bus ride to Barcelona airport and university | |