Quantum Nanophotonics
2017, Feb 26 -- Mar 03
F.J. Garcia-Vidal (U. Autonoma de Madrid)
L. Martín Moreno (ICMA, CSIC - U. Zaragoza)
S. Bozhevolnyi (U. of Southern Denmark)
Welcome | |
Single photon emitter light transport and coupling control | |
N. van Hulst | |
Quantum mechanics in the negative mass reference frame | |
E. S. Polzik | |
Quantum Plasmonic Sensing | |
C. Lee | |
Exact and approximate eigenstates of vibrationally dressed polaritons | |
J. Keeling | |
Probing emitters inside metal-coated nanocavities with electron-excitation lifetime microscopy | |
R. Moerland | |
Applications of plasmonic and dielectric nanoantennas: from non-linear optics to nanolocalized surface chemistry | |
S. Maier | |
Plasmon-Exciton-Polariton Lasing | |
M. Ramezani | |
Lasing in dark and bright modes of a finite-sized plasmonic lattice | |
A. Vakevainen | |
Weak and strong coulping in Plasmon-based CQED | |
Y. Gu |
Cavity optomechanics with a levitated nanoparticle | |
R. Quidant | |
Levitated Quantum Nanophotonics | |
L. Novotny | |
Multimode Quantum Optomechanics with Ultra-coherent Nanomechanical Resonators | |
A. Schliesser | |
Quantum Nanophotonics and Optomechanics with Diamond | |
M. Loncar | |
Levitated Nanomagnets in the Quantum Regime | |
O. Romero-Isart | |
Coupling quantum circuits to magnetic molecular qubits | |
D. Zueco | |
Technological Limits of Integrated Photonics for Quantum Information Applications | |
J. Barreto | |
Quantum emitter states dressed by the plasmon modes of a metal nanoparticle in the strong coupling regime | |
H. Varguet | |
Controlling Coherence in Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterial | |
H. Caglayan |
Quantum nano photonics with color centers in diamond | |
M. Lukin | |
Towards a plasmonic quantum register | |
V. Shalaev | |
On-chip quantum photonics with integrated quantum dot emitters | |
M. Fox | |
Quantum plasmons on topological insulator nanoparticles | |
V. Giannini | |
Orthogonality Catastrophes in Quantum Electrodynamics | |
R. Merlin | |
Quantum Optics in low dimensions: from fundamentals to applications | |
A. Gonzalez-Tudela | |
Localized phonon polaritons: A novel platform for mid-infrared quantum polaritonics | |
S. de Liberato | |
New diamond colour centres for quantum photonics | |
J. Jelezko | |
Enhancement of resonant transitions via coupling to a fully tunable Fabry-Perot microcavity | |
D. Riedel | |
Quantum-State Preparation of NV0 Centers in Nanodiamond using an Electron Beam | |
R. Haglund | |
Poster Session | |
Chiral Quantum Optics | |
P. Lodahl | |
Controlling light: from directional photons to interacting flying polaritons | |
R. Rapaport | |
Driving Plasmonics to the Atomics Scale | |
J. Aizpurua | |
Antenna-cavity hybrids: matching polar opposites for Purcell enhancements at any linewidth | |
H. Doeleman | |
Towards plasmon-enhanced linear and non-linear quantum elements | |
O. Benson | |
Plasmonic Strong Coupling: Near-field Dynamics and Far-field Correlations | |
A. Fernandez-Dominguez | |
Ultimate performance of Kerr nonlinear plasmonics nanostructures | |
S. Palomba | |
Extreme single-emitter interaction with a broadband microcavity coupled to a metallic nanoantenna | |
D. Martin-Cano | |
Strong-coupling-mediated quantum near-field effects in hybrid quasi-1D nanostructures | |
I. Bondarev |
Controlled room-temperature strong coupling of a single quantum dot to a plasmonic resonator | |
B. Hecht | |
Ultrafast single photon sources and enhanced nonlinear generation using plasmonic nanocavities | |
Andrew J. Traverso | |
Directing light emission with semiconductor nanowire antennas | |
M. Brongersma | |
Quantum devices - a proper niche for plasmonics | |
J. Khurgin | |
Synthetic dimensions in photonics | |
T. Ozawa | |
New type of localized plasmons specific for spin-polarized magnetic nanoparticles | |
V. P. Drachev | |
Organized bus departure. Benasque to Barcelona. | |