Quantum Information
2017, Jun 25 -- Jul 14
I. Cirac (MPI, Garching)
A. Ekert (U. Oxford/NUS Singapore)
Machine learning | |
Room A |
Thermo | |
Room A | |
Causality / Quantum Optics | |
Room A | |
Quantum error correction | |
Room A |
Quantum Marginal | |
Room A | |
Quantum error correction | |
Room C | |
Universality | |
Room A | |
Channel | |
Room A | |
Spekkens | |
Room C | |
Projection of the documentary - "That's the story" | |
Room A+B |
Quantum gates | |
Room C | |
Contextuality, resources and quantum computation | |
Room A | |
Crypto session | |
Room C | |
Delegated Quantum Computation | |
Room C |
Reinforcement Learning | |
Room A | |
Gaussian Quantum Thermodynamics | |
Room C | |
Holographic codes | |
Room C | |
Fermionic Quantum C. | |
Room C | |
Delegated Q. C. | |
blacboard | |
Maths of Joggling | |
Room A |
Small quantum devices, certification | |
Room A | |
Hollographic states | |
Room C | |
Topological codes | |
Room C | |
Quantum Information fermions | |
Room A | |
Many body physics and machine learning | |
Room C | |
Multip. Correlation | |
Room A | |
Many-body localisation | |
Room A | |
BELL/EPR non locvality (open problems) | |
Room C |
Prove your own quantum computational supremacy theorem | |
blackboard in 1st floor |
Quantum enhanced learning protocols | |
Room C |
Quantum learning | |
Room C |
PAC learning of quantum states and quantum channels | |
Room C |