Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems
2016, Feb 14 -- Feb 27
R. Orús (U. Mainz)
D. Poilblanc (CNRS / U. Toulouse)
J. Vidal (CNRS / U. Paris)
Download the pdf version of the program here.
Monday, February 15
Introduction to quantum/frustrated magnets Grégoire Misguich Lecture #2
Frustrated magnets (numerics) Federico Becca Quantum paramagnet in the Heisenberg model on the cubic lattice: a case study of a novel method for three-dimensional quantum magnetism Yasir Iqbal
Tuesday, February 16
Topological phases with cold atoms in optical lattices Hanspeter Buchler Lecture #2 1D SU(N) ultracold fermions Philippe Lecheminant Poster session
Wednesday, February 17
Introduction to Tensor Networks Norbert Schuch Lecture #2
Entanglement and Many-body localization Nicolas Laflorencie Bulk anyon condensation versus boundary symmetry protected topological order Kasper Duivenvoorden
Thursday, February 18
CFT and MPS methods for the FQHE: a quick introduction Benoit Estienne Lecture #2 State-of-the-art numerics Andreas Lauchli
Chiral Haldane phases of SU(N) quantum spin chains in the adjoint representation Thomas Quella
Friday, February 19
Chiral Spin Liquids Bela Bauer
Chiral Projected Entangled Pair States Thorsten Wahl
Quantum interacting particles on a ring: binary Tree Tensor Networks studies Matteo Rizzi
Entanglement evolution after inhomogeneous quantum quenches, and the artic circle Jean-Marie STEPHAN
Monday, February 22
FQHE Joost Slingerland
Quantum dimer models and their links to SU(2) spin models Sylvain Capponi Entanglement spectra with QMC Fakher Assaad
Quantum correlations and entanglement in far-from-equilibrium spin systems Salvatore Manmana
Tuesday, February 23
FQHE in Higher Chern Number bands Gunnar Moller Topological phases of quantum magnets at high field Keisuke Totsuka Tensor Networks and Applications Ignacio Cirac
Wednesday, February 24
Entanglement over the Rainbow German Sierra
Undecidability of the Spectral Gap David Pérez-García
Quasi-particle pictures from continuous unitary transformations Kai Schmidt TBA Frank Verstraete
Thursday, February 25
MPS for FQHS Nicolas Regnault
TNGR Shuo Yang Entanglement and many-body localisation revisited Jens Eisert Exact diagonalisation of the SU(N) Heisenberg model Frédéric Mila
Friday, February 26
Spin textures in multi-component quantum Hall ferromagnets Benoit Douçot Excited states in fractional quantum Hall lattice models Anne Nielsen Random approximation scheme for quantum spin chains without momentum Sofyan Iblisdir Projective construction of the Z-k Read-Rezayi fractional quantum Hall states and their excitations on the torus geometry Cécile Repellin