IV Workshop on Fermions and Extended Objects on the Lattice
2013, Jun 16 -- Jun 22
V. Azcoiti (U. Zaragoza)
G. Di Carlo (INFN - LNGS)
D. Espriu (U. Barcelona)
E. Follana (U. Zaragoza)
Welcome | |
Vicente Azcoiti | |
Recent results on large N gauge theories on the lattice | |
Antonio Gonzalez-Arroyo | |
Dirac spectrum and Anderson transition | |
Matteo Giordano | |
A possible new phase in gauge-fixed Yang-Mills theory | |
Maarten Golterman | |
Lattice field theory with dual variables | |
Christof Gattringer | |
Efficient computation of disconnected diagrams from the QUDA library | |
Alejandro Vaquero |
What happens to bottomonium in the QGP? | |
Gert Aarts | |
The ising model: the point of view of a pedestrian | |
Gaetano Salina | |
The QCD phase diagram from the method of analytic continuation | |
Alessandro Papa | |
Progress in Complex Langevin Simulations | |
Ion Stamatescu | |
Simulating full QCD at nonzero density using The Complex Langevin Equation | |
Denes Sexty | |
2D and 3D Antiferromagnetic Ising Model whit "topological" term at theta=pi | |
Gennaro Cortese |
Phases of many flavor QCD : lattice results | |
Maria Paola Lombardo | |
Lattice Investigations of the Hosotani Mechanism | |
James Hetrick | |
Dicretization Phase Transitions and Wilson Dirac Spectra | |
Jacobus Verbaarschot |
b-> s transitions and Lattice QCD | |
Federico Mescia | |
The Pierre Auger Observatory and the search of the origin of Ultra High Energies Cosmic Rays | |
Aurelio Grillo | |
Determination of Low-Energy Constants of Wilson Chiral Perturbation Theory | |
Gregorio Herdoiza | |
The FLAG collaboration: Flavour Physics on the Lattice and World Averages | |
Anastassios Vladikas | |
Physics outlook and future prospects for high energy physics after the discovery of the new boson H(125) | |
Juan Fuster |
2D Abelian and non-Abelian gauge magnets, the Lattice Gauge Theories for Tensor Networks and Quantum Simulators | |
Luca Tagliacozzo | |
The nilpotency expansion in many-body and relativistic field theories | |
Fabrizio Palumbo | |
Graphene conductivity: interacting fermions on 2D hexagonal lattice | |
Mikhail Polikarpov | |
Non-perturbative O(a) improvement of lattice QCD with Wilson quarks revisited | |
Stefan Sint | |
Flavor Physics after the Higgs Discovery | |
Guido Martinelli |