8th International Workshop on Disordered Systems
2012, Aug 26 -- Sep 01
V. A. Gopar (U. Zaragoza)
F. Domínguez-Adame (U. Complutense Madrid)
U. Kuhl (U. Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
R. Molina (I.E.M., CSIC)
R. Roemer (U. Warwick)
Registration | |
Opening | |
Localization at bilayer graphene and topological insulators edges | |
Markus Büttiker | |
A microwave analogue of graphene | |
Ulrich Kuhl | |
LDOS in quantum Hall systems with a smooth disordered potential landscape | |
Thierry Champel | |
Disordered Bose-Einstein condensates | |
Christopher Gaul | |
Scaling and characterization of eigenstates in 1D power-law correlated systems | |
Nancy Sandler | |
Onsager relations in a two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit coupling | |
Cosimo Gorini | |
Particle and energy transport in quantum disordered and quasi-periodic chain | |
Shigeru Ajisaka | |
Diffusion of wave packets in a square lattice under external fields along the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation | |
Paulo E. de Brito | |
Free/Registration | |
Typical-medium theories of Mott-Anderson transitions | |
Vladimir Dobrosavljevic | |
Numerical analysis of the metal-insulator transition in doped semiconductors using DFT in the local density approximation | |
Yosuke Harashima | |
Anderson transitions in 1d with long-range correlations: a puzzle solved | |
Greg M. Petersen | |
Anomalous transport and diffusion in quenched Lévy correlated media | |
Alessandro Vezzani | |
Pump-controlled directional emission from a random laser | |
Matthias Liertzer | |
Non-conventional optic response in bilayered arrays with metamaterials | |
Nykolay Makarov | |
Anderson localization in 1D disordered rods | |
Rafael A. Méndez | |
Elastic rays in 3D billiards | |
Thomas Gorin | |
Coffee | |
Poster session | |
Localization properties of random-mass Dirac fermions | |
Mikhail Raikh |
Transmission phase in quantum transport: disorder, chaotic and correlation effects | |
Rodolfo A. Jalabert | |
Classical percolation fingerprints in the high-temperature regime of quantum Hall effect | |
Serge Florens | |
Disordered systems with generic universal finite-disorder fixed points | |
Eduardo Miranda | |
Nearest level spacing statistics in open chaotic systems: a generalization of the Wigner Surmise | |
German A. Luna-Acosta | |
Superradiance transition in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes | |
Fausto Borgonovi | |
Phase transitions in the quantum transport problem | |
Pierpaolo Vivo | |
Localisation and transmission in random media with correlated disorder and absorption or gain. | |
Luca Tessieri | |
Reflection resonances in waveguides with rough surface profiles: Identifying signatures of a new scattering mechanism | |
Joerg Doppler | |
Electronic transport in DNA at finite temperatures | |
Andrey Malyshev | |
Poster session | |
Speckle, modes, transmission eigenchannels, and focusing in random media | |
Azi Genack | |
Single channel transport in disordered systems | |
Andrey Chabanov | |
Universal conductance fluctuation and level rigidity in random media | |
Zhou Shi | |
Wavepacket spreading dynamics under a non-instantaneous nonlinearity: Self-trapping, defocusing and focusing | |
Rodrigo Lima | |
Multifractal finite-size-scaling and universality at the Anderson transition | |
Rudolf Roemer | |
Transport versus spectral statistics in open 1D Anderson model | |
Felix. M. Izrailev | |
Poster awards and Closing | |