V Cajal Winter Conference
2009, Mar 08 -- Mar 12
Sociedad Española de Neurociencia
Welcome address | |
F. Artigas | |
Transcriptional control of neural differentiation from strem cells: a novel etiology of autism | |
Stuart A. Lipton | |
Plenary lecture. Wiring newborn neurons with mature brain circuits | |
Pierre - Marie Lledo | |
Oral communications. | |
Chair: F. Viana | |
Roles of FGF2 and Anosmin-1 in the migration and proliferation of SVZ neuroblasts during pre-and posnatal development | |
D. García González, M. Coelho, D.Clemente, PF Esteban, N. Soussi-Yanicostas, F. de Castro | |
Self-renewal and differentation of neurosensory progenitors of the ear: convergence of instrinsic and extrinsic signalling pathways | |
J. Neves, A. Kamaid, C. Parada, M. Chamizo, F. Giraldez | |
Adult stem cell therapy: dream or reality? | |
S. Martinez, M. Balaguer, JM Moraleda | |
Poster session | |
Oral communications. | |
Chair: R. Gallego | |
Mnb/Dyrk1A is a multiple regulator of the transition from neural proliferation to neural differentiation in CNS development | |
B. Hammerle, J. Colonques, J. Ceron, G. Bieri, E. Ulin, FJ. Tejedor | |
Sustained axonglial signalling induces Schwann cell hyperproliferation, Remak bundle myelination and tumorigenesis | |
JA. Gomez Sanchez, M. Lopez de Armentia, R. Lujan, N. Kessaris, WD. Richardson, H. Cabedo | |
Fgf8 signal regulates the development of the habenular region in the dorsal diencephalon of mammals | |
A. Martinez-Ferre, S. Martinez | |
Plenary lecture. "Noise" and information propagation in sensory cognitive networks | |
Yves Frégnac | |
Oral communications. | |
Chair: S. Martínez | |
Directional guidance and nucleokinesis in migrating cortical interneurons | |
F. Martini, M. Valdemolmillos | |
Sonic Hedgehog regulates the proliferation of cerebellar granular neuronal precursors through a peri-ciliar depletion of PKA activity | |
M. Barzi Dieguez, J. Berenguer de Felipe, S. Pons | |
Poster session | |
Oral communications. | |
Chair: R. Trullás | |
Metabolic magnetic resonance studies in the hippocampus of hypothyroid rats:effect of thyroid hormone replacement treatment | |
I. Fernández del Amo, J. Pacheco-Torres, A. Montero-Pedrazuela, D. Bosch-García, P. López-Larrubia, A. Guardado-Ferraz | |
Regulation of brian MCP-1 by noradrenaline and glucocorticoids | |
JLM. Madrigal, B. García-Bueno, BG. Pérez-Nievas, I. Gárate, S. Zoppi, JC. Leza | |
Characterization of the hippocampal microcircuit in a mouse model of panic disorder | |
D. D'Amico, O. Spadoni, M. Santos, M. Dierssen | |
Round table | |
Functional relevance of neurogenesis and therapy in the adult CNS | |
Oral communications. | |
Chair: A. Guadaño-Ferraz | |
Bone morphogenetic PROTEIN-6 promotes cerebellar granule neurons suvival by activations of the MEK/CREB pathway | |
B. Barneda-Zahonero, A. Miñano, N. Badiola, R. Fadó, CA. Saura, J. Rodríguez-Alvarez | |
Lipid raft segregation modulates TRPM8 channel activity | |
C. Morenilla-Palao, M. Pertusa, V. Meseguer, H. Cabedo, F. Viana | |
Poster session and closing | |