Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

Session image

Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems

2021, Feb 14 -- Feb 26

F. Mila (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
R. Orús (DIPC)
D. Poilblanc (CNRS / U. Toulouse)
N. Schuch (University of Vienna)

The understanding of the rich physics exhibited by strongly correlated quantum systems has seen a rapid development in recent years, driven by a deepened understanding of their underlying entanglement structure. This includes a diverse range of topics: The interplay of symmetries and entanglement which gives rise to diverse symmetry-protected and symmetry-enriched phases, including higher-order symmetries; disorder, thermalization, and many-body localization; new analytical and numerical approached based on tensor networks, using the entanglement structure of those systems; novel developments in integrability; advances in Quantum Monte Carlo and other simulation methods for entangled quantum systems; the use of machine learning in quantum physics; applications of entanglement in quantum gravity; and many more.

The aim of this two-week meeting is to bring together both specialists and newcomers in the field of entanglement in strongly correlated systems, located at the interface of quantum information and condensed matter.

Although we very much would prefer to have an in-person meeting, this year the meeting will be held ONLINE, due to the covid-19 crisis.

Please note that there is NO registration fee for the conference

Call for participations
Abstract submission is closed

     * Abstracts files should be 1 page abstract in .pdf format
     * The use of graphics in the abstract is optional.
     * You have to be registered before abstract submission
     * Poster submission deadline: 22/02/2021

Further Information.

This session has received financial support from the following institutions:

  • Ministerio de ciencia, innovación y universidades
  • Gobierno de Aragón
  • logo CSIC
  • DPH
  • Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Ayuntamiento de Benasque


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