Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

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Networking tensor networks: many-body systems and simulations

2012, May 06 -- May 19

R. Orús (MPQ, Garching)
M. C. Bañuls (MPQ, Garching)
D. Perez-Garcia (UCM)

In the last years, a series of workshops on the subject of Tensor Network Methods have taken place in Vienna, Madrid and Garching. Following this tradition, the next exciting workshop in this series will be held in the beautiful location of Benasque, on the Spanish Pyrenees, on May 7-18 2012. We are planning to have a very collaborative encounter, with plenty of interaction among practitioners and with a focus also on other disciplines, which may share some interests to the Tensor Network community.


Over the years, several techniques have been developed to simulate the physics of strongly-correlated systems, such as exact diagonalization, perturbative series expansions, continuous unitary transformations, dynamical mean field theory, and quantum Monte Carlo, to name a few. Still, several important systems remain yet to be well understood, most prominently related to many-fermion models (such as the Hubbard model) and frustrated quantum antiferromagnets. In this respect, methods of great promise have been proposed based on the so-called Tensor Networks. Originally discovered in the context of condensed matter physics, Tensor Network Methods have lived a rebirth over the past few years thanks to quantum information theory. These techniques are based on representations of quantum states for quantum systems in terms of networks of interconnected tensors, and they are intimately related to the behaviour of quantum correlations in the system. Some examples of these techniques are e.g. the Density Matrix Renormalization Group, Time Evolving Block Decimation, Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group, Tensor Entanglement Renormalization Group, Projected Entangled Pair States, and Entanglement Renormalization.


The workshop goal is to favor the advance in the field of Tensor Networks, in a two-fold fashion. On the one hand, it will host the discussion of current problems and developments in the field among the leading researchers in the area. On the other, it will bring together fresh input from a number of selected related subjects. We will seek the interaction with selected related fields, including Computer Science, Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Montecarlo, and Lattice Gauge Theory. The exchange of ideas with these subjects has the potential to uncover a rich number of applications for tensor network techniques and to plant the seed for many future collaborations. Along the last five years, a few informal meetings, with increasing attendance, brought together the leading groups in the field of tensor network methods for strongly correlated systems and proved to be a very fruitful arena for the exchange of ideas and the start of collaborations. This workshop will be a natural and formal continuation of those initiatives, with the more ambitious goal to host the interaction with other communities.

Invited Speakers

Tomotoshi Nishino (Kobe University)
Philippe Corboz (ETH Zurich)
Norbert Schuch (RWTH Aachen University)
Jens Eisert (Freie Univerität Berlin)
Tao Xiang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Garnet Chan (Cornell University)
Bruno Nachtergaele (University of California, Davis)
Karl Jansen (DESY, Zeuthen)
Ling Wang (University of Vienna)
Anne Nielsen (Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics)
Bela Bauer (Microsoft StationQ)
Luca Tagliacozzo (ICFO, Institute of Photonic Sciences)
Fabio Mezzacapo (Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics)
Glen Evenbly (Caltech)
Artur Garcia (University of Barcelona)
Jutho Haegeman (University of Vienna)
Valentin Murg (University of Vienna)
Zheng-Cheng Gu (KITP, University of California, Santa Barbara)
Oliver Buerschaper (Perimeter Institute)
Spyridon Michalakis (Caltech)

Advisory board

J. Ignacio Cirac (MPQ Garching)

Guifré Vidal (Perimeter Institute)

Frank Verstraete (Univ. Vienna)

Michael Wolf (TUM, Munich)

Ulrich Schollwöck (LMU Munich)

Matthias Troyer (ETH Zurich)

José Ignacio Latorre (Univ. Barcelona)

Call for contributions

Abstract submission deadline for a contributed talk or a poster was February 29, 2012.
Abstracts acceptance will be notified around March 07, 2012.

Registration Fee

Early-bird registration fee for the workshop is 150 euros per participant. Deadline: April 01, 2012.

Late registration fee for the workshop is 200 euros per participant. Deadline: May 01, 2012.

This registration fee must be paid to the account of the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual after your application has been accepted.

Ibercaja (account number): 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193
IBAN: ES44 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193
Please, send a copy of the transfer receipt (including your name, conference name and transfer details) by e-mail to [email protected]

Cancelation Policy A 30 euro charge will be applied for cancelations made up to 10 days before the conference start date. A no refund policy will be applied to cancelations made after this date.


We are happy to count with funding from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, QUEVADIS, QUITEMAD, DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and AIP Publishing









Further Information.

This session has received financial support from the following institutions:

  • logo CSIC
  • Gobierno de Aragón
  • Ministerio de educación y ciencia
  • DPH
  • Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Ayuntamiento de Benasque


Our building

  • Future building