Negotiating Europe. Practices, Languages, Ideology in Diplomacy (13th-16th centuries)
2012, Sep 16 -- Sep 22
I. Lazzarini (Durham, UK - Molise, Italy)
S. Péquignot (EPHE, France)
J. Watts (Oxford, UK)
The beginnings of permanent diplomacy and the emergence of resident ambassadors between the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries have traditionally been associated by European scholars with the process of state-building, but their consistency and rationality have been considerably exaggerated, in the search for a rather anachronistic continuity in diplomatic practices between Renaissance and modern nation-states.
The most recent research is moving away from diplomacy as an institutional tool and a political narrative, and is increasingly looking at diplomacy as a social and cultural practice that enabled Europeans and non-Europeans to engage with each other in formal and informal, state and non-state contexts, through the elaboration of common languages, shared practices of communication, and political cultures.
The objectives of the International Workshop “Negotiating Europe. Practices, Languages, Ideology in Diplomacy (13th-16th centuries)” are to gather together the leading scholars in this field to examine the full extent of diplomatic practice, languages and ideology in order to provide an interactive forum for discussion and to foster further collaborations.
The workshop will be organised in seven sessions that will host three short papers each, commented by a discussant. An introductory session and the conclusive remarks and general discussion will open and close the week.
The workshop activities will be resumed in a web-publication that will gather together the main points of the discussion, and will provide links to the participants and their publications.
The workshop received financial support by the following institutions: The University of Durham - IMRS; Corpus Christi College, Oxford and the John Fell Fund; the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris), équipe SAPRAT (EPHE)
Invited participants
Christina Antenhofer (Innsbruck) Barbara Bombi (Kent) Dejanirah Couto (EPHE, Paris) Stefano Cracolici (Durham) Paul Dover (Kennesaw) Tiago Viúla de Faria (Oxford) Serena Ferente (King’s College, London) Benoît Grévin (CNRS, Paris) Armand Jamme (CNRS, Lyon) Isabella Lazzarini (Molise/Durham) Oren Margolis (Oxford) |
Toby Osborne (Durham) Klaus Oschema (Heidelberg/Bern) Viorel Panaite (Bucarest) Stéphane Péquignot (EPHE, Paris) Eva Pibiri (Lausanne) Joan-Pau Rubiés (LSE, London) Roser Salicrù i Lluch (CSIC, Barcelona) Francesco Senatore (Napoli Federico II) Óscar Villarroel González (Complutense, Madrid) John Watkins (Minnesota) John Watts (Corpus Christi College, Oxford) |
Further Information.