Unsolved problems in Astrophysics and Cosmology
2011, Feb 13 -- Feb 19
H. Peiris (U. College London)
R. Jiménez (ICREA, ICC, U. Barcelona)
C. Pena-Garay (IFIC, CSIC, U. Valencia)
The objectives of the international Workshop "Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics and Cosmology (UPAC)" are to bring together the leading scientists in those fields of Astrophysics and Cosmology that hold the promise of answering the most fundamental questions about the Universe, and to provide a forum to chart the path to progress.
To achieve these aims, the workshop will be very interactive, centering around discussions led by international experts (see list below), with the promise of fostering collaborations and promoting real advances in the different fields of expertise, in a beautiful setting. We plan to present the conclusions of the workshop in a compiled volume of Proceedings.
List of Speakers and Topics
Speaker | Research Center | Main Topic |
Alan Heavens | Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom | Weak Gravitational Lensing |
Wayne Hu | Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics University of Chicago. USA | Dark Energy |
Licia Verde | Institute of Cosmological Sciences. Facultad de Física. Universidad de Barcelona | Large Scale Structure |
Anthony Lewis | Astronomy Center. University of Sussex | Cosmic Microwave Background |
Marka Szabolcs | Columbia University. USA | Impacts of Comprehensive Multimessenger Astronomy |
Brant Robertson | Astronomy Department. California Institute of Technology | Galaxy Formation |
Volker Springel | Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies | Numerical Cosmology |
Hitoshi Murayama | Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU). University of Tokyo. | Neutrino Physics |
Neal Weiner | Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University | Dark Matter |
Alberto Vecchio | School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham | Gravitational Astrophysics |
Zoltan Haiman | Department of Astronomy, Columbia University | First Galaxies |
Daniel Baumann | Institute for Advances Study, Princeton | String Cosmology |
Eva Silverstein | Department of Physics, Stanford University | String Theory |
Ruth Durrer | Department of Theoretical Physics, Geneva University | Theoretical Cosmology |
Raman Sundrum | Department of Physics and Astronomy. Johns Hopkins University | Extra dimensions |
Jackie Hewitt | Kavli Institute for Astrophysics & Space Research. Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 21 cm Observations |
Avi Loeb | Institute for Theory and Computation. Department of Astrophysics, Harvard University | 21 cm Cosmology |
Sabino Matarrese | Physics Department | Non-Gaussianity Planck/Core |
Martin Bucher | APC, Univ Paris 7 | Non-Gaussianity Planck/Core |
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