Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

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INSTANS Summer School

2010, Jun 20 -- Jul 03

G. Mussardo (SISSA)
G. Sierra (CSIC)
K. Schoutens (ITFA)

This is a Summer School organized by the INSTANS network of the European Science Foundation (Interdisciplinary Statistical and Field Theory Approaches to Nanophysics and Low Dimensional Systems). The goal of the school is to provide expertise with the new theoretical framework to answer fundamental questions encountered in the modern physics of nanoscopic and low-dimensional systems. Special attention will be given to the topological aspects of condensed matter theory and its relation with Quantum Information, both of which have undergone an explosion in recent years. The second week of INSTANS Summer School will overlap with the Conference “Finite-Size Technology in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems (V)” 2010, June 27 - July 17, offering an interesting opportunity for the scientific exchange between the participants of both events.

The List of Topics Include:

- Non-Abelian Quantum Hall states
- Topological phases in lattice models
- Quantum quenches
- Entanglement, quantum computation and quantum information
- Cold atoms and optical lattices
- Many-body numerical methods.

This school will be held in the 'Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual' in Benasque, which has a long tradition in hosting scientific meetings. Last year a new building for the Center was completed following a modern design, with all the facilities needed to encourage the collaboration between the participants of meetings. Benasque is a beautiful mountain village located 1140 m above sea level, in a valley at the heart of the Pyrenees, about 140 km north of the city of Zaragoza. The beautiful landscapes, scenic hikes and the proximity to the highest peaks in the Pyrenees make Benasque one of the main tourist sites in the region.


Must be completed through this website, not later than 30 April, 2010. The organization will only be able to cover the accommodation expenses for a limited number of participants. Those who will need it should indicate it when filling in the registration form. The organizers will communicate the final list of participants by the end of April.

Lectures include

- Steve Simon (University of Oxford, UK)
- Xin Wan ( Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, KOREA)
- Ady Stern (Weizmann Institute of Science, ISRAEL)
- Andreas Ludwig (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
- Paul Fendley (University of Virginia, USA)
- Pasquale Calabrese (Universit´a di Pisa and INFN, ITALY)
- Victor Gurarie (Universityof Colorado, USA)
- Eddy Ardonne (NORDITA-Stockholm, SE)
- Roedrich Moessner (Max Planck Institut fur Physik komplexer Systeme, Germany)
- Andreas Läuchli (Max Planck Institut fur Physik komplexer Systeme, Germany)

* to be confirmed


This event has received financial support from the following institutions:
- European Science Foundation - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
- Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

Further Information.

This session has received financial support from the following institutions:

  • logo CSIC
  • Gobierno de Aragón
  • Ministerio de educación y ciencia
  • DPH
  • Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Ayuntamiento de Benasque


Our building

  • Future building