Coming from Barcelona
Buses depart from Barcelona everyday (except on Sunday). The bus goes to Barbastro where it connects with another bus to Benasque. When you check the schedule and/or buy tickets, do it in two steps:
Barcelona - Barbastro
Barbastro - Benasque
The bus company which covers the route Barcelona-Benasque is called Alto Aragonesa, we recommend that you check the schedule before traveling in the website:
URL (check schedule, prices and buy tickets):
Telephone number: (+34) 902 210 700.
The bus station is located 50 meters on the left hand side of Sants Estació train station when exiting the main entrance.
There are trains every 30 minutes from Sants Estació to Barcelona Airport.
Tickets are available at the ticket office next to the buses.
Coming from Zaragoza
Daily buses depart from Zaragoza at 9:30 h and 15:00h (except on Sundays, only at 9:30h). The bus goes directly to Benasque.
Flights available from Zaragoza airport to London, Milan and Brussels.
Note that Zaragoza has a good connection to Madrid/Barcelona by high-speed train (AVE).
The bus company which covers the route Zaragoza-Benasque is called Alto Aragonesa, we recommend you to check the schedule before traveling. When you check the schedule and/or buy tickets, do it in two steps:
Zaragoza - Huesca
Huesca - Benasque
URL (check schedule, prices and buy tickets):
Telephone number: (+34) 902 210 700
The bus station is located in Estación Delicias. This is connected to the airport by bus.
Tickets are available at the ticket office next to the buses.
Coming from Madrid
The best way to get to Benasque using public transportation is via Zaragoza. Come by train or by bus to Zaragoza and then by bus to Benasque (see details above).
Train: RENFE Company,
Bus: Alsa Company,
It is recommendable to book in advance both bus and train tickets from Madrid to Zaragoza. On-line tickets (Madrid - Zaragoza) are not available.
Coming from Paris
There is a fast train from Paris to Barcelona. For more information consult:
For conections between Barcelona and Benasque please see above.
There may also be organized bus transportation for the conference from Barcelona.
Please consult the specific conference's web page. (see details above).