Sesiones Previas
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Parton Distributions for the LHC
2015, February 15 - February 21
J. Rojo (CERN / University of Oxford)
Quantum Simulations
2015, February 22 - February 27
I. Bloch (Max Planck, Garching), G. Johansson (Chalmers U - Main organizer), F. Schmidt-Kaler (U. Mainz), E. Solano (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque), C. Wilson (IQC, Waterloo - Main organizer)
Attosecond and Ultrafast Physics IV
2015, March 2 - March 4
J. Biegert (ICFO), D. Sanchez (ICFO, Co-organizer), B.Buades (ICFO, Co-organizer)
Quantum Plasmonics
2015, March 8 - March 14
F.J. Garcia-Vidal (U. Autonoma de Madrid), L. Martín Moreno (ICMA, CSIC - U. Zaragoza), S. Bozhevolnyi (U. of Southern Denmark)
XLIII International Meeting on Fundamental Physics
2015, March 15 - March 21
M. Aguilar-Benitez (CIEMAT, Madrid), M. Asorey (UZ, Zaragoza), G. Parente (IGFAE-USC, Santiago de Compostela), I. Valiño (IGFAE-USC, Santiago de Compostela), J. A. Villar (UZ, Zaragoza), E. Zas (IGFAE-USC, Santiago de Compostela (Chairman))
2015, May 4 - May 14
L. Amico (U. Catania-CNR & CQT-NUS), G. Birkl (TU Darmstadt), M. Boshier (Los Alamos), L.-C. Kwek (CQT-NUS), A. Minguzzi (U. J. Fourier & CNRS Grenoble)
Quantum Information
2015, June 21 - July 10
A. Ekert (U. Oxford/NUS Singapore), I. Cirac (MPI, Garching)
Gravity in the Lab
2015, July 5 - July 17
I. Fuentes (U. Vienna - U. Nottingham), M. Aspelmeyer (U. Vienna), N. Mavalvala (MIT), C. Westbrook (l'Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau)
Gravity - New perspectives from strings and higher dimensions
2015, July 12 - July 24
R. Emparan (ICREA - U. Barcelona), V. Hubeny (U. Durham), M. Rangamani (U. Durham)
Computational Analysis of RNA Structure and Function
2015, July 19 - July 31
E. Rivas (Harvard University), E. Westhof (University of Strasbourg)
High-precision QCD at low energy
2015, August 2 - August 22
M. Golterman (San Francisco State University), M. Jamin (IFAE and ICREA), S. Peris (UAB)
Gauge theories, supergravity and superstrings
2015, August 2 - August 15
J. Russo (ICREA - U. Barcelona), Peter West (King's Coll. London)
Arithmetic of Euler systems
2015, August 22 - August 30
X. Guitart (U. Barcelona), M. Masdeu (Warwick U.)
Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics
2015, August 23 - September 4
G. Buttazzo (U. Pisa), O. Glass (Université Paris-Dauphine), G.Leugering (U. Erlangen), E. Zuazua (BCAM - Ikerbasque)
Taller de Altas Energías 2015
2015, September 20 - October 2
Elena G. Ferreiro (U. Santiago), Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA/CSIC Santander), Ivan Vila (IFCA/CSIC Santander)
Advances and applications in carbon related nanomaterials: From pure to doped structures including heteroatom layers
2015, December 7 - December 11
R. Arenal (LMA - INA, chairman), C. P. Ewels (Nantes U.), D. Golberg (MANA - NIMS - U. Tsukuba), V. Meunier (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), A. Rubio (U. País Vasco - Fritz Haber Institut - Max Plank Gesellschaft)