Sesiones Previas
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6th Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications
2014, January 4 - January 18
A. Castro (U. Zaragoza), E. K. U. Gross (MPI for Microstructure theory, Halle), N. Maitra (City U. of New York), M. A. L. Marques (U. Lyon I), F. Nogueira (U. Coimbra and CFC), A. Rubio (U. Pais Vasco)
XLII International Meeting on Fundamental Physics
2014, January 26 - February 1
H. Ruiz (U. Barcelona), J. Matias (UAB Barcelona), F. Mescia (U. Barcelona), F. Sanchez (IFAE/UAB Barcelona)
Novel Frontiers in Magnetism
2014, February 9 - February 15
A. Labarta (U. Barcelona), B. Martínez (ICMB Barcelona - CSIC), F. Bartolomé (ICMA - CSIC - U. Zaragoza)
2014, March 2 - March 8
L. Martín Moreno (ICMA, CSIC - U. Zaragoza), N. Van Hulst (ICFO, Barcelona)
After the Discovery: Hunting for a Non-Standard Higgs Sector
2014, April 6 - April 18
C. Grojean (ICREA/IFAE, Barcelona), A. Juste (ICREA/IFAE, Barcelona), I. Low (Northwestern/Argonne, Chicago), F. Moortgat (CERN, Geneva)
Quantum Matter
2014, June 15 - June 27
Belén Paredes (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Madrid), Guifré Vidal (Perimeter Institute, Canada)
Quantum Science: Implementations
2014, June 29 - July 19
D. Chang (ICFO, Barcelona), J. J. García-Ripoll (IFF-CSIC, Madrid), L. Jiang (Yale U., USA), O. Romero-Isart (IQOQI, Innsbruck)
Radical Benasque
2014, July 11 - July 13
A. Cornella (Infonomia), J. I. Latorre (U. Barcelona / NUS Singapore)
Extreme Android
2014, July 17 - July 20
David, Isma, José Ignacio (CCBPP), El Androide Libre, Ayuntamiento de Benasque
Bound states and resonances in Effective Field Theories and Lattice QCD calculations
2014, July 20 - August 1
E. Epelbaum (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), A. Parreno (U. Barcelona), D. Phillips (U. Ohio), J. Soto (U. Barcelona)
Modern Cosmology: Early Universe, CMB and LSS
2014, August 3 - August 16
R. Durrer (UniGE, Geneva), D. G. Figueroa (UniGE, Geneva), J. Frieman (Fermilab, Chicago), J. García-Bellido (IFT, Madrid), E. Gaztañaga (ICE IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona)
Numerical and analytical methods for strongly correlated systems
2014, August 24 - September 13
R. Orús (U. Mainz), D. Poilblanc (CNRS / U. Toulouse), J. Vidal (CNRS / U. Paris)
Cosmology and the Quantum Vacuum
2014, September 7 - September 13
M. Asorey (U. Zaragoza), E. Elizalde (ICE/CSIC, Barcelona), S. Odintsov (ICE/CSIC, Barcelona)
Taller de Altas Energías 2014
2014, September 14 - September 27
Juan Alcaraz (Ciemat), Jose Ignacio Illana (U. Granada)
I Benasque School on Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics
2014, October 5 - October 10
G. J. de Valcárcel (U. de València), V. Ahufinger (U. Autònoma de Barcelona), R. Corbalán (U. Autònoma de Barcelona), H. Michinel (U. de Vigo), J. P. Torres (U. Politècnica de Catalunya and ICFO)