Sesiones Previas
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Seeing the future of Visual Optics
2013, January 31 - February 3
P. Artal (U. Murcia)
Science and Applications of Ultrafast Ultraintese Lasers
2013, February 4 - February 6
L. Roso (CLPU Salamanca)
Benasque Symposium on Topological Quantum Information
2013, February 12 - February 16
S. Iblisdir (U. Barcelona), J. Pachos (U. Leeds), B. Paredes (U. Autónoma de Madrid), D. Poilblanc (CNRS, U. Toulouse)
Graphene Nanophotonics
2013, March 3 - March 8
L. Martín Moreno (ICMA, CSIC - U. Zaragoza), Stefan Maier (Imperial College)
Causal Structure in Quantum Theory
2013, June 2 - June 8
Rob Spekkens (Perimeter Institute), Lluís Masanes (Bristol University)
IV Workshop on Fermions and Extended Objects on the Lattice
2013, June 16 - June 22
V. Azcoiti (U. Zaragoza), G. Di Carlo (INFN - LNGS), D. Espriu (U. Barcelona), E. Follana (U. Zaragoza)
Quantum Information
2013, June 23 - July 12
A. Ekert (U. Oxford/NUS Singapore), I. Cirac (MPI, Garching)
String Theory
2013, June 30 - July 12
J. Gomis (Perimeter Institute), M. J. Rodríguez (Harvard U.), J. Simon (Edinburgh U.), A. Strominger (Harvard U.)
Extreme Android
2013, July 12 - July 14
David, Isma, José Ignacio (CCBPP), El Androide Libre, Ayuntamiento de Benasque
Radical Benasque
2013, July 13 - July 14
A. Cornella (Infonomia), J. I. Latorre (U. Barcelona / NUS Singapore)
Gravity - New perspectives from strings and higher dimensions
2013, July 14 - July 26
R. Emparan (U. Barcelona), V. Hubeny (U. Durham), M. Rangamani (U. Durham)
Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics
(Dedicated to the memory of Vicent Caselles)
2013, August 25 - September 5
G. Buttazzo (U. Pisa), O. Glass (Ceremade), E. Zuazua (BCAM - Ikerbasque)
Effective methods for Darmon points
2013, August 25 - August 30
F. Fité (U. Bielefeld), X. Guitart (U. Politècnica de Catalunya), J.-C. Lario (U. Politècnica de Catalunya), M. Masdeu (U. Columbia), V. Rotger (U. Politècnica de Catalunya)
Encuentros Relativistas Españoles 2013
2013, September 8 - September 13
R. Emparan (ICREA & U. Barcelona), J. Garriga (U. Barcelona), J. Llosa (U. Barcelona), O. Pujolas (UAB - IFAE), C. Sopuerta (IEEC), E. Verdaguer (U. Barcelona)
Taller de Altas Energías 2013
2013, September 15 - September 28
M. Martinez (ICREA/IFAE Barcelona), S. Peñaranda (U. de Zaragoza)
Quantum Simulations
2013, September 29 - October 4
I. Bloch (Max Planck, Garching), G. Johansson (Chalmers U. - Local organizer), F. Schmidt-Kaler (U. Mainz), E. Solano (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque - Main organizer), C. Wilson (IQC, Waterloo)