Sesiones Previas
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5th Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications
2012, January 3 - January 17
E. K. U. Gross (Freie U. Berlin), M. A. L. Marques (U. Lyon I), F. Nogueira (U. Coimbra and CFC), A. Rubio (U. Pais Vasco), A. Castro (U. Zaragoza)
Attosecond and Ultrafast Physics III
2012, March 6 - March 8
J. Biegert (ICFO), A. Thai (ICFO), J. Dura (ICFO)
2012, March 11 - March 17
L. Martín Moreno (ICMA, CSIC - U. Zaragoza), N. Van Hulst (ICFO, Barcelona)
Networking tensor networks: many-body systems and simulations
2012, May 6 - May 19
R. Orús (MPQ, Garching), M. C. Bañuls (MPQ, Garching), D. Perez-Garcia (UCM)
XL International Meeting on Fundamental Physics
2012, May 24 - June 3
J. Fuster (IFIC-Valècia) chair, C. García (IFIC-València) co-chair, F.J. Botella (IFIC-València) co-chair
Quantum Mechanics, Operator Theory and the Riemann Zeta function
2012, June 17 - June 23
J.P. Keating (U. Bristol, UK), J.C. Lagarias (U. Michigan, USA), G. Sierra (CSIC-UAM, Spain)
Mathematical Structures in Quantum Systems and applications
2012, July 8 - July 14
I. Cavero-Peláez (CUD-U. Zaragoza, Spain), J. Clemente Gallardo (Bifi, U. Zaragoza), L. Ferro (UCIIIM, Spain), A. Ibort (U. Carlos III, Madrid), G. Marmo (Univ. Naples, Italy), J. M. Muñoz Castañeda (U. Leipzig)
Extreme Android
2012, July 13 - July 15
David, Isma, José Ignacio, El Androide Libre, Sony España
Brain Boost
2012, July 18 - July 20
Infonomia - Co-Society
2012, July 19 - July 20
Infonomia - Co-Society
2012, July 22 - August 3
E. Rivas (Janelia Farm Research Campus, HHMI), E. Westhof (University of Strasbourg)
Modern Cosmology: Early Universe, CMB and LSS
2012, August 5 - August 25
D. Figueroa (Helsinki HU/HIP), J. Frieman (Fermilab, Chicago), J. García-Bellido (U. Autónoma Madrid), E. Gaztañaga ICE, IEEC/CSIC
8th International Workshop on Disordered Systems
2012, August 26 - September 1
V. A. Gopar (U. Zaragoza), F. Domínguez-Adame (U. Complutense Madrid), U. Kuhl (U. Nice-Sophia Antipolis), R. Molina (I.E.M., CSIC), R. Roemer (U. Warwick)
Quantum Foundations and Quantum Infomation
2012, September 2 - September 15
W. Zurek (Los Alamos),
This event has been moved in space and time; visit the website http, //
II Gefenol Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex and Small Systems
2012, September 3 - September 14
F. Falo (BIFI- UZ), JMR Parrondo (UCM), J. Gómez - Gardenes (Bifi-UZ)
Negotiating Europe. Practices, Languages, Ideology in Diplomacy (13th-16th centuries)
2012, September 16 - September 22
I. Lazzarini (Durham, UK - Molise, Italy), S. Péquignot (EPHE, France), J. Watts (Oxford, UK)
Reunión de trabajo OTRAC
Programa POCTEFA 88/08
2012, December 10 - December 11
P. Santolaria (U. Zaragoza)