2012, Jul 22 -- Aug 03
E. Rivas (Janelia Farm Research Campus, HHMI)
E. Westhof (University of Strasbourg)
Hunting RNA motifs | |
P. Gardner |
RNA Motifs | |
E. Westhof, C. Zirbel, Jakob, L. Barquist and M. Lladser | |
Comparative identification of novel human structural RNA families | |
J. S. Pedersen | |
Homology vs Analogy via Motifs | |
M. Lladser | |
Discovering bacterial transcription termination motifs | |
L. Barquist | |
Structure probing, HTS | |
I. Hofacker |
RNA Evolution | |
F. Major and J. Waldispuhl | |
Efficient Algorithms to Explore the RNA Mutational Landscape | |
J. Waldispuhl | |
TBA | |
N. Jarewsky | |
TBA | |
F. Major | |
TBA | |
R. Bundschuh | |
TBA | |
D. Barash | |
Algorithms I | |
E. Rivas and R. Giegerich | |
TBA | |
K. Sato | |
Predicting functional RNA structures beyond the one-sequence-one-structure dogma | |
I. Meyer | |
TBA | |
Y. Frid | |
TBA | |
R. Backofen |
Visualization, Tools & Software | |
Y. Ponty | |
R-chie: a visualization tool for RNA structures | |
I. Meyer | |
The UEA sRNA Workbench | |
M. Stocks | |
JmolTools.js: An embeddable tool for 3D structure visualization | |
B. Sweeney | |
Human-computing framework for genetic data analysis | |
J. Waldispühl | |
R2R: Faster drawing of RNA aesthetic secondary structure diagrams | |
Z. Weinberg | |
RILogo: Visualising RNA-RNA interactions | |
S. Seemann | |
Current challenges in RNA structure visualization | |
Y. Ponty | |
The sRNA Workbench | |
M. Stocks | |
Session on 'Annotating transcripts / dark matter' | |
Heads: Pedersen / Gautheret | |
About the birth of regulatory RNA | |
D. Gautheret | |
Expression and conservation of human ncRNAs | |
J. Skou Pedersen | |
Aligning RNAseq profiles | |
J. Gorodkin | |
Computational analysis of mapping patterns of RNA-seq short reads in small non-coding RNA genes | |
Y. Sakakibara | |
Assaying ncRNAs using high-throughput transposon mutagenesis in Salmonella | |
L. Barquist |
Beyond Mfold | |
D. Pervouchine | |
RNA pseudoknotted secondary structure prediction using integer programming | |
Y. Kato | |
Folding space analysis: abstraction and filtering | |
B. Voss | |
Thermodynamic RNA secondary structure prediction with a kinetic twist | |
I. Meyer | |
Fast detection of conserved complementary motifs using gapped-seed associative arrays | |
D. Pervouchine | |
R. Bundschuh | |
A Needle in a Haystack or Systematic Search for lncRNA Targets | |
D. Pervouchine | |
RNA-RNA interaction prediction using integer programming | |
Y. Kato | |
A partition function algorithm for RNA-RNA interaction | |
H. Chitsaz | |
Some more things you can calculate from the RIP partition functions | |
P. Stadler | |
Conservation in RNA-RNA interaction | |
R. Backofen | |
RNA-DNA interactions | |
S. Bernhardt |
RNA-proteins | |
N. Rajewski and J. Bujnicki | |
Incorporating RNA-Protein Interactions into RNA Secondary Structure Prediction | |
R. Bundschuh | |
Databases | |
S. Griffiths-Jones, P. Gardner and R. Knight | |
RNAcentral | |
S. Griffiths-Jones | |
RNASTAR, greengenes and an environmental seq database | |
R. Knight | |
miRBase | |
A. Kozomara | |
Modomics and RNA processing | |
J. Bujnicki | |
Rfam | |
S. Burge |
RNA mutagenesis | |
A. Laederach and M. Zuker | |
SHAPE as a way to evaluate our ability to predict the effects of SNPs on RNA | |
A. Laederach | |
Finding locally altered RNA structure inferred by SNPs using RNAsnp | |
J. Gorodkin | |
Gene finding | |
Z. Weinberg | |
Hide and Seek: The Complete Transcriptome | |
R. D. Dowell | |
Two freakish RNAs, and the search for more | |
Z. Weinberg | |
A phylogenetic structure application to ncRNA gene predictions | |
T. Gesell | |
Families of ribosomal regulatory elements | |
M. Meyer | |
Genome-wide RNA structure screen | |
S. Seeman |
Covariance Models | |
E. Nawrocki | |
Covariance models and Infernal 1.1 | |
E. Nawrocki | |
Multiple Consensus Structures for Infernal Style Covariance Models | |
S. Janssen | |
Beyond 2D | |
P. Stadler and R. Backofen | |
A Combinatorial Framework for Designing 2D+e RNA Algorithms | |
Y. Ponty | |
Pseudoknot Folding and Topology | |
P. F. Stadler | |
Motified RNA structure prediction | |
B. Voss | |
Folding with G-quadruplexes | |
S. Bernhart | |
Predicting internal loop 3D structure from sequence | |
C. L. Zirbel | |
RNAwolf: folding with non-standard base pairs | |
C. Hoener |
RNA 3D | |
E. Westhof and J. Bujnicki | |
Progress in RNA 3D Modelling | |
E. Westhof | |
Algorithms II | |
E. Rivas and R. Giegerich | |
Beyond Mfold with probabilistic models | |
E. Rivas | |
Impact of the energy model on the complexity of RNA folding with psedoknots | |
Y. Ponty | |
Signifince of motif frequencies in non-Markovian models of genome sequences | |
M. Lladser | |
Enjoy dynamic programming in Bellman's GAP | |
R. Giegerich |