Networking tensor networks: many-body systems and simulations
2012, May 06 -- May 19
R. Orús (MPQ, Garching)
M. C. Bañuls (MPQ, Garching)
D. Perez-Garcia (UCM)
Opening | |
Coarse graining tensor renormalization by the higher-order singular value decomposition | |
Tao Xiang | |
Non-Uniform Deformations Applied to 1D Quantum Systems | |
Tomotoshi Nishino | |
Improved variational technique for tensor network structures | |
Davide Rossini | |
Discussions /Posters | |
Quantum density matrix embedding and tensor networks in finite systems | |
Garnet Chan | |
Random Tensor Network States for Quantum Computation | |
Tzu-Chieh Wei | |
Time evolution, tomography, and tensor networks | |
Jens Eisert | |
Adiabatic preparation of a Heisenberg antiferromagnet using an optical superlattice | |
Michael Lubasch | |
Finite Unconstrained Tree Tensor Networks | |
Matteo Rizzi | |
Discussions /Posters | |
Poster Session | |
Lattice gauge theory problems for tensor networks | |
Karl Jansen | |
Classical Ising Models Realised on Optical Lattices | |
Sofyan Iblisdir | |
Infinite-dimensional-matrix product states from conformal field theory | |
Anne E. B. Nielsen | |
New method for calculating dynamical correlation functions in (1+1)-dimensional quantum field theories | |
Damian Draxler | |
Discussions /Posters | |
On the classification of gapped ground state phases | |
Bruno Nachtergaele | |
Gapless Hamiltonians for non-injective Matrix Product States | |
Carlos Fernández-González | |
Stability of Frustration-Free Hamiltonians | |
Spyridon Michalakis | |
Entanglement, fractional magnetization and long range interactions | |
Andrea Cadarso | |
Tensor networks in algebraic geometry and statistics | |
Jason Morton | |
Discussions /Posters | |
The physics of honeycomb lattice Hubbard/t-J model: A Grassmann tensor product state approach. | |
Zheng-Cheng Gu | |
Breakdown of a perturbed Z(N) topological phase | |
Marc Daniel Schulz | |
Towards unconventional symmetries in tensor network states | |
Oliver Buerschaper | |
Transparent framework for general non-Abelian symmetries in tensor network states | |
Andreas Weichselbaum | |
Invariant Theory for Matrix Product States | |
Jacob Biamonte | |
Discussions /Posters | |
Renormalization group contraction of tensor networks in three dimensions | |
Artur Garcia-Saez | |
Numerical simulation of translational non-invariant ground states for infinite spin chains with long-range interactions | |
Volckmar Nebendahl | |
Geometry of matrix product states | |
Jutho Haegeman | |
The infinite languages spoken by infinite matrix product states | |
Gregory Crosswhite | |
Infinite boundary conditions for matrix product state calculations | |
Phien Ngoc Ho | |
Discussions /Posters | |
Recent progress with infinite projected entangled-pair states (iPEPS) | |
Philippe Corboz | |
Computation of dynamically relevant eigenstates for the Bose-Hubbard model | |
Mateusz Lacki | |
The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz and Tensor Networks | |
Valentin Murg | |
Ground states from semindefinite relaxations | |
Robert Hübener | |
Constructing topological quantum states on a quantum computer | |
Tobby Cubitt | |
Discussions /Posters | |
Improving the efficiency of numerical simulations with MERA | |
Glen Evenbly | |
A class of entangling quantum circuits that can be efficiently simulated | |
Guifre Vidal | |
Local time evolution of many body systems with entanglement renormalization | |
Luca Tagliacozzo | |
Phase diagram and quench dynamics of the cluster-XY spin chain | |
Sebastian Montes | |
Discussions /Posters | |
Entanglement Spectra and Boundary Theories using Projected Entangled Pair States". | |
Norbert Schuch | |
Entanglement and boundary theories of Resonating Valence Bond wavefunctions | |
Didier Poilblanc | |
Three-sublattice order in the SU(3) Heisenberg model on the square and triangular lattice | |
Bela Bauer | |
Entanglement Renormalization, Holography and Correlations between Disjoint Regions in Quantum Critical Systems | |
Javier Molina | |
Discussions /Posters | |
Spin-liquid phase in spin-1/2 square J1-J2 Heisenberg model: A tensor product state approach | |
Ling Wang | |
Combining tensor networks with Monte Carlo: Applications to the MERA | |
Andy Ferris | |
Ground-state phase diagram of the quantum J1-J2 model on the honeycomb lattice: A variational study based on entangled-plaquette states | |
Fabio Mezzacappo | |
MERA as inverse of the renormalization group | |
Cedric Beny | |
Discussions /Posters | |